
Paul Thomas' Homepage

e-mail me on :teamgridlock1@yahoo.co.uk

This is my homepage but it will mostly be devoted to my favourite hobby, Robot Wars.  Me and my friend are currently building a robot for Robot Wars and this page will include updates of that.  It will also include information on our favourite 'bots that have already been entered in 'Robot Wars' and 'Battlebots'.  I will start by introducing the team.

Team Gridlock

Team Gridlock consists of two members, Craig Bainton (13), and myself (12).  There were three members but Jamie Fenwick dropped out because of communication difficulties.  We wanted to build a robot after being fans of the TV show since it started.  This made us want to build it but we never had the cash.  When we heard of a bursary being given by our school for projects we decided to go for it.  We got £50, and support from many members of staff.  Craig is using the robot as a skill towards his Duke of Ed. award so Cadets say they might sponsor us as well.  My mate Daniel Howard


has promised to give us £12 if we put the web page above on our robot and our website, so there we are.

The Robot (KamikaZ)

  We are going to use two spinning discs spinning alternate ways, as the weapons.  We will be trying to keep it as low as possible but nippy and powerful.  It will be able to run both ways up so there is no need to fiddle about with a SRI-MECH.  We have thought about using 2 large wheels independently powered by two motors.  This would have given very tight turning but not much control elsewhere.  We have now decided on a 4WD power system with a front wheel turning system.


Favourite 'Bots

Press on any of the links to go to my info page on my fav. robots.





Wheely Big Cheese

Chaos 2

Pussy Cat